


Yekemi Otaru


Graduation is a time of great celebration for the entire University community and, on behalf of UWS Court, Senate and colleagues, I would like to congratulate all of those graduating from the University of the West of Scotland. 
As a UWS graduate, you will make a real and lasting diference to social, cultural and economic development in the UK and globally. Upon graduation, you will have so many opportunities open to you, for your own beneft as well as that of wider society. 
The experience and knowledge you have gained from your time at UWS will prove invaluable to you in the future. You are now world-ready graduates and I would like to sincerely wish you all great success in the next phase of your career. Everyone at the University of the West of Scotland is incredibly proud of you. 
As someone who has graduated before, I know how much hard work has gone in to achieving your academic goals. It takes a great deal of dedication and efort, as well as support from family and friends. I would therefore also like to thank and congratulate those who have supported and encouraged our graduating students in their endeavours. 
Once again, huge congratulations to all UWS graduates.
作为 UWS 的毕业生,您将对英国和全球的社会、文化和经济发展产生真正而持久的影响。毕业后,您将有很多机会为您自己以及更广泛的社会带来利益。
你在 UWS 获得的经验和知识在未来对你来说将是无价的。你们现在是面向世界的毕业生,我衷心祝愿你们在下一阶段的职业生涯中取得圆满成功。西苏格兰大学的每个人都为您感到无比自豪。
再次向所有 UWS 毕业生表示热烈祝贺。


Lucy Meredith


At UWS, students are central to all that we do and I am delighted to extend my warmest congratulations to those graduating today. 
Graduations are hugely important, not just for you, but the entire UWS community as they give us an opportunity to celebrate your achievements, which we know are the result of lots of hard work. 
As well as being a time of celebration, graduation also marks the start of a new chapter in your lives; a time of great opportunity. It may be daunting for those of you about to enter the workplace for the frst time, but I would encourage all of you, whether you are preparing to set of on your frst or next stage of your career, to embrace the challenge and the many opportunities that will inevitably come your way.
You have already shown during your time at UWS that you have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes you need to launch your career and make an impact on the world. This is your time to bring to life your ambitions and aspirations. 
To those moving on to further studies and/or research, enjoy your journey of enrichment from learning in and contributing to new territories. 
And to our students returning home to other countries, do stay in touch with UWS through our Alumni Association and ‘haste ye back’! 
I hope that you will look back upon your time at UWS fondly, and encourage and inspire others to follow in your footsteps.
在 UWS,学生是我们一切工作的核心,我很高兴向今天毕业的学生表示最热烈的祝贺。
毕业典礼非常重要,不仅对您,而且对整个 UWS 社区,因为它们让我们有机会庆祝您的成就,我们知道这是大量努力的结果。
对于我们返回其他国家的学生,请务必通过我们的校友会与 UWS 保持联系并“赶快回来”!
我希望你能深情地回顾你在 UWS 的时光,并鼓励和激励其他人追随你的脚步。


Dominic Elliott院长授予证书

Dominic Elliott





On behalf of all our staf at the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) I want to extend a very warm welcome to you on this extremely important day. A university qualifcation is one of the highest academic achievements that an individual can attain, and requires not only an inquiring mind, but also hard work and commitment – all of which are attributes that our students will have demonstrated during their time at UWS.
As you graduate today, and take the next steps in your careers, all of you should be extremely proud of what you have achieved during your time at UWS. This last 18 months have been particularly challenging as the COVID-19 pandemic has shaped, changed and restricted many of our choices and hence changing the format of our graduation ceremonies. The resilience, dedication and hard work you have shown throughout this time has highlighted your ability toadapt to change and persevere in the most difcult of times which I know will aid in your future success. I am confdent that the high-level of knowledge and expertise that you have developed during your time at UWS, together with your graduate skills, will be an absolutely essential ingredient to enable you to play your part in developing international industry, commerce and public sector economies as you become leaders of the future.
We are extremely proud of you and hope that wherever your future life takes you, you will remember your time at UWS with great afection and stay in touch with us through the Alumni Association. We want you to remain part of the UWS family and become a champion for us across your networks. Although you are moving into an environment of challenge and rapid change, it is also one that is full of opportunity. 
A world of opportunity and possibility is now open to you and I strongly encourage you to spread your wings as far as you can and continue to ‘Dream, Believe and Achieve’. On behalf of the University of the West of Scotland I would like to wish all of you great success, health and happiness for the future.
当你们今天毕业,并在你们的职业生涯中迈出下一步时,你们所有人都应该为你们在UWS大学期间所取得的成就感到无比自豪。过去18个月尤其具有挑战性,因为COVID-19大流行塑造、改变和限制了我们的许多选择,因此改变了我们毕业典礼的形式。在这段时间里,你们表现出的韧性、奉献精神和勤奋工作,突出了你们适应变化的能力,以及在最困难的时候坚持不懈的能力,我知道这将有助于你们未来的成功。我相信你在 UWS 期间积累的高水平知识和专业知识,以及你的研究生技能将是你在发展国际工业、商业和公共部门中发挥作用的绝对必要因素。


